prabhaavit hona example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word prabhaavit hona usage in english sentences. The examples of prabhaavit hona are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., influence, hit for six, take to heart, knock for six, strike, touched.

This latter view is known as situationism, which states that situations and circumstances in which one is placed influence one s behaviour.

Why are some people more intelligent than others? s it due to their heredity, or is it due to the influence of environmental factors? The evidence for hereditary influences on intelligence comes mainly from studies on twins and adopted children.
The qualities and skills regarded as intelligent actions in non-western cultures are sharply different, though the boundaries are gradually vanishing under the influence of western cultures.
While directing the subordinates, managers should exercise good leadership as it can influence the subordinates positively without causing dissatisfaction among them.
, in the organisation to influence people to contribute their best.
The urge, drives, desires, aspirations, striving or needs of human being, which are internal, influence human behaviour.
Only such person can instruct subordinates correctly and influence them.
Are they independent of the government? Or can the government or the ruling party influence or pressurise them? Do they have enough powers to be able to conduct free and fair elections? Do they actually use these powers? The answer to all these questions is quite positive for our country.
ADS efforts to set up Grain Banks, to facilitate replication through other NGOs and to influence the Government s policy on food security are thus paying rich dividends.
Asokamitran (1931), a Tamil writer, recounts his years at Gemini Studios in his book My Years with Boss which talks of the influence of movies on every aspect of life in India.
संबंधित शब्द प्रभावित होना के पर्यायवाची